DDPressor udpated to 4.02: Stereo field controll button not reloads with project, vst3 now working on Mac/Ableton.
DDPressor updated to 4.01. Possible bug when look not working properly. Added Tmod button for time shift Audio. Fixed bug vst3 on Mac, Ableton(maybe some other Daws) does not see plugin.
DDPressor updated to V4. Reworked split algos, new saturation algos, Stereo image+Haas per band.
Updated to 3.01 , fixed crash on oversampling factor change.
DDpressor is dynamics scalpel in your hands to control any dynamic aspect of processing audio. 2 Compression algorithms, 4 bands , 3 splits with 4 split algorithms .Gate,Manipulate Stereo field, Saturate, Compress, Clip per band. Up to 16x Oversampling .Selective frequency Sidechain, External Sidechain for each band. Clean interface with nice visual representation of processing. Right mouse button to control parameter on all bands simultaneously. Hold Ctrl for precise control.
PC (vst,vst3),Mac(vst3,AU),Linux(vst).
Price 89Eur Download DEMO